About Us

The program is based on the philosophy that youth are more likely to be redirected towards a crime free future when their peers and support systems are involved in the creation of their teen court plan. The ultimate goal is to promote positive decision making skills, peer mentorship, leadership opportunities, and resources for youth in Wake County and their families.

The Teen Court plan for a youth is decided upon by a jury of their peers and includes the below actions. The plan is designed to help the youth learn about law and work towards repairing and learning from the harm caused by their decision.

After the Teen Court plan is successfully completed within the 90 day time limit, the offense is dismissed and will not be located on the youth’s record. If the responsible youth does not complete or rejects the plan, their case is returned to the referral source and it is assumed that District or Juvenile Court will be pursued.

• Community Service
• Jury Duty
• A Skills Group that may focus on making appropriate choices, peer-pressure, decision-making, substance abuse issues and the effects of stealing on the community.
• Monetary Restitution
• The jury may also impose written or verbal apologies and or essays.

Tax deductible donations to Capital Area Teen Court (a non-profit organization) can be made by contacting the
Executive Director, Jennifer Gibbs, at (919) 856-5273